Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

I went University Malaya[UM] for a seminar today..
Its huge.. if I dont really know that place, I might sesat inside.. Hahaha..

The seminar started at 9am, the lecturers are not bad.. xD
Its having a talk about your path after SPM or STPM,
But generally its about info that I've noticed or know ady 1.. So, its not really that informative for me as well as my form 6 classmates too..
ps: I've paid rm20 for that, I get some souvenir, A cert for attending, Foods.

:The Hall:

NG part <--- Left : Right ---> =) [My Daughter & Me]

[Me, Yx, MichzFern, Cn]


At about 4pm, we decided to go eat pizza at JJ b.tinggi,
Pizza again for me, Haha.
Its 15th February since I last met Pizza.
As usual, the pizza restaurant is crowded inside..
The services there are bad..
But Pizzas are Delicious..

ps: to yx, michzfern, cn.. The Buns we ate today are so so SWEET

Okay, i had this test and its about finding out how actually we are..
:U may try it:

The following are the results I get :

:Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.

:The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

:Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

:The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

:Your views on education:
Education is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own.

:The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

:How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

:What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

:Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

:For my opinion: The accuracy are quite high. I give 70% out of 100%.

So, how were Urs?

From 18th of this month..
I cant send out any messages from my phone..
and... today is the 9TH day already.

Im wondering what happened to my SIM card.
And i already called DiGi for several times,
Same conversations for the operators, "Ok, wait for xx time and restart ur phone for xx mins"
Im so numb listening to the same procedure everytime i call..
Becaause its no use at all!

My phone is still in the same situation, "Message Barred"
I really miss messaging time.
I dont feel like calling DiGi anymore.
I cant send even a single word,
Stupid DiGi!

Im Starve..

I have to stay up to study for test tmr,
And Im Really Starve here..
I Wish I could have 1 of these RIGHT NOW.. =D

I went back to mahadi today for my SPM cert,
with Yean xin, Ching nie, Jiang huei & Boon chung.

I got to kno from Ching nie there is no school today because they had sports day yesterday.
We meet a boy, he came school alone and he told us he didt notice that today got no school.
Pity boy, if we didt go, i wonder how he could survive there alone.
Ps: So, Jiang huei lend the boy his phone to make calls.

Okay, I had my Business paper and Reading paper today.
Not bad la overall, at least i manage to finish it.

Study.Revision.Study.Revision, i always do last minute work,
But last minute work do help sometimes.

I have to pump up myself for the coming test alr..

Im FREAKING tired today..!!

Ps: lotz of thing happened today.

:Eden Lake:

This show came out recently,

Comments from my frens:

  • Its nice
  • Not bad loh
  • Dont go watch with full stomach
  • Not nice 1

I went for this show today with my Shahbandar's fren,
I suggested this movie because it sounds interesting from what my frens told me.

My comments for this movie:
  • The story dont really mean anything [someone revenge juz bcuz of a death of his dog. swt]
  • No happy ending [Both of them died]
  • Its Disgusting [Worse part, with those bloody scene]

Rating : 2 out of 5

What happened to my phone?
Today is the 2nd day i CANNOT send out any messages
[Credit: RM X.XX, Reload before: 28/02/09]

When i send a message, then this will pop out..
"Sending FAILED to xxx, Message BARRED"
Barred? Y barred? i've checked on everything and everything is ok.
Betul betul cant figure out what happened,
but at least 1 can call somebody =) :Phew:

Because of this:

  • Im wasting money to make calls.
  • I cant kacau my friends with messages. [Super SMS]

Aaarrrggghhh!! I have to make complaint to DiGi soon.. ISH..

We did this in school during free period, and the boy is XXX[He asked me to keep as Secret]. Haha..
Quite funny with these behind him.
  • A funny convestion between my teacher and me: [1 of my fren was absent today]
She : Why is she absent today?
Me : I dont kno..
She : U didt call her mie?
Me : No, i dont have her phone no. but i have her "MsN"
She : Har??
Me : I have her Msn.. "MsN"
She : :Blur: What is "Msn? (everyone r laughing)
Me : MsN is something we use to chat on internet..
She : Owh.. So, both of u use to chat there lar?
  • Im wondering whether she really dont kno what MsN is.. Haha. Funny. at least she get it at the end..What MsN actually is.. =)
Went GreenBox yesterday. Its nice.. We ordered some snacks[Fun fries, chicken wingz]
Ps: the fries ther is not nice.. they put some sort of pepper on the fries.. >.<
And, no pictures were taken because..
  • Its dark inside.. [And of cuz ther's no flash for my phone camera]
  • Yean Xin dont allow camera phone [Cuz we wanted to take a pic of her].. Sob

I HATE IT! My phone cant send out any messages!

I've called DiGi and the operator says it will be fixed after 1/2 and hour..

But its still the SAME! Arghhhhhhhhhh

*Dont misunderstand IF i didt reply any of ur messages..

Im wondering why can't I sleep yesterday night,
Im awake until when im going school in the morning[6.45am]
Ps: I woke up at 5pm+ the day before.
I play games until 3 something and after that i manage to finish a
damn long drama "Gem Of Life" (last few from 82 episodes) until 6am+..

At the beginning im reminding myself not to sleep during school time,
must tahan till finish school..
But i failed, i slept inside the class about half n hour long,And the assembly today is Soooooooooo Long, the assembly held for almost 2HOURs.
Im getting crazy of it sitting ther doing nothing but juz talking. Sigh..
But Nevermind,
Yean Xin and I are planning to "PONTENG" for school tomorrow, haha..
If we really does, I can sleep more and wake up late tomorrow, yeepee.. :)
And of course we r going for GreenBox tomorrow with :
.Its 2pm noon.
  • Jiang Huei (the 38-est)
  • Boon Chung (the Happiest)
  • Pei Zhen ( the Blurest)
  • Kar Yen (the Smallest)

My sister fell in SICK.. ( Hope she'll get well as soon as possible )

U guys can talk bside the box ther.. xD

Today, as usual, I went out till 5 something morning.
I thought i'll wake up about noon 1pm+.. I've set alarm,
Mana tau I woke up at 5 something near evening. Gosh.

Then, I receive a call that asked me to accompany them to
Sunway pyramid to buy a "LG" phone. Answered: Ok
I went pyramid with Hong cze, Hong Guan & Peng Hooi,
and the 1 who wanted to buy a phone is Hz..
He is searching for LG Ice Cream, a new model of LG phone,
at last he found the shop and he bought it..
This is the LG phone he bought,
AND.. Its for his GF u kno..
So Good Of HIM.. @@
He bought a white 1.. its nice

Happy Valentine Day to Both Of U..
After Hz bought the phone,
Ph suggested to eat at Pizza Hut at about 7 something,
[ as u kno i woke up at 5+ and i didt even put anything into my stomach yet ]

Pizza is crowded,
Finally, we had a seat, its at the end of the shop and the place is quite hot..

We're looking at the menu book and dont kno what to order..
And finally, we ordered a 6Person set meal. And it has to finished by 4 of us.. @@.. Hg still wanted to add somemore but he didt.. Its already so much for us.

6 mushroom soup for 4 of us.. And of course Pizza

After A While..

From the top:
Mine [ Im so full! can't put in anymore ], Hz [ So Clean with the soup bowl terbalik ], Pf [He's Full also ]
Hg's Food, he's still eating.. He loves Pizza that much,
He's still eatin although he's full.
Hg from the left and Hz [He looks blur]
Pf [The 1 with hat] and Me

  • Valentine's Day isn't just about
Red roses
and little heart shaped boxes.
It's also about friendship & togetherness.
And one time of the year
I can really mush & gush and say,
How much our Friendship,
MEANS to me!

And recently there's a song that is Nice:
最幸福的事 - 梁文音

Its gettin BORING with schooling after Chinese New Year..

This is My schedule for sch today : [12/2/09]

Reach Sch

(Its SO early.. I'm the 1st to reach among my classmates) [ Have a Nap :) ]

Business Class

(The teacher is SS-ing herself everyday, even when she's asking Q, no 1 replies her, HAHA, this is the funny part)

Generel Knowledge Class @ PA

(Teacher was absent cuz of unwell, we r Free ^_^v while im copying economy notes from fren.)


Eat till my stomach is so full~~


Muet class..

Maths Class

(Another teacher was absent, finish my econ work then SLEEP again.. Don't kno y am i such tired.)

Finish Sch-ing!

the nicest thing after "concentrating" at sch for such long.

1 Of my fren sleepin inside the classroom. xD

No, ther's 1 more girl infront ther.


Hi ther,
I'm here for My BloGGinG..



My photo
Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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