Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Its Daughter YXin birthday that day. 29/7. We headed to Jogoya buffet in Starhill for our dinner. Im so looking forward to go Jogoya because we planned to go about 1 month before. In between, we had thought of other place but it seems this is the final decision we made. There were YXin, PZhen, HGuan, Jeffery, PHooi and I after confirmations and some late decisions. Alright, there it goes with pictures..

Jeffery is driving us there. *Peace

Nevermind, They're hungry

Final Destination of ours

These are really Delicious! Two thumbs Up

This is sweet, I drank few of this cute coconut

Only VIP. Too bad for us. Looks nice right?


This pudding is Just So Nice.


Firstly, "Let me try this". Secondly, "Omg, I would rather suicide from not having this." Haha

Totally not ready yet. Im fading away.

Me and Birthday Girl and Pei Zhen

Peng Hooi and Hong Guan and Jeff and Me

Me and HG and YX and PZ

Seriously, this is Nice. Once for a long time. Not all of the pictures were uploaded because of the problem with blogspot and the sizes of these pictures were big. It takes me long time to upload one.

[ Happy Birthdaysss ^^ ]
Yean Xin 腥猩 Daughter @ 29-7
Ching Nie 井溺 @ 30-7

Went Greenbox with YXinD, CNie, HGuan, WKiat, and CHow.
Long time didn't go for normal hour session. Haha. And, we made this decision so sudden, YXin brought up whether wanted to go K or not at night and decision were made within few hours and we're inside after few hours. So fast right?


Daughter and I

All of Us, Weeeee

Had fun there, CHow came late due to some reasons and we went back already at 11+pm due to school on the next day.. ^^
And econs teacher canceled her tuition class suddenly today.. I can rest peacefully after a exciting seminar at HICT morning just now. =)

Harry potter show yesterday. No ending again. Haha.. At least you can look forward for HP6 after you watched this. Went Aeon Cinema with HGuan, JHuei and WKiat for midnight show and we're sitting in a same row with YXinD and her family. Thats a long story, the conclusion is she can only go for midnight show when her parents are going. XD There was a part that freaked me out. I got so shock. Thats the part when harry is taking water at the Dark place.

Rate: 6/10
Up next : Final Destination 4. August if im not wrong.

I had my dinner at KimGary just now with Daughter, PZhen and JHuei. We got 50% off because of YXin's birthday voucher. Not even 50bugs for 4 of us.
Im planning to go Jogoya on wednesday, who else wanted to go although it is ex? Haha.. There goes another week. STPM is coming so fast.

I want to finish my exam fast.
I want to go work.
I want to earn money and
I want to buy everything I wanted for so long.

Went for this last saturday with YXinD, HGuan and PHooi from 4+. Recommended by Van. And then we met up with VanGD, Ade, YFern, MYee, YTing and others.........

First timer, and firstly I thought this will be a 'Pameran' or those show or what. But turn out not, Ade told me that there are stalls you can buy foods and a stage in the middle of the field there. Haha. This event is held at a stadium in Shah Alam

HGuan is driving and we have a map to lead us there, it is not far. But the parking lot are all occupied, so we parked at a quite-far place and we have to walk a long distance to reach. Its like we're melting under the hot sun. As time goes by, the stadium is getting crowded. So many people there and there are also japanese dance session, everyone are dancing around the stage. You'll also see peoples are busy taking pictures there and of course including us. So, let the pictures do the talking.

DoorGift : Bon Odori

Group Photo with Families and Friends

Photos.. With Van YXin Ade & Ade's Sis

Photo with 2 Cute Kids. Aren't they cute? =D

It is fun going there. But when going back [Night time] 4 of us walk through a Islamic Graveyard to HGuan's car and there are Ghost no light. So dark and gross.. @@

x Signing off x [21 July 2009]

URGH. I'm sick. I hate sore throat, I can predict the sickness is coming towards me whenever I'm having a sore throat. And now I'm annoying myself with the sneezing sound although sneeze makes me feel better. I wish I there is a kind of medicine that I can take and then I'll recover from any illness within a day. It is good if this is true but I'm just too much in dreaming.

Nowadays, some of my school Malay students are undergoing breathing difficulties and sudden faint. Even teachers got that. We're so curious that why ambulance came so often to our school and there is also screaming sounds from counseling room yesterday. For our information, there are some spiritual friends inside our school and EVEN MY CLASS?! Yesterday, about 8 Malays were taken to counseling room because of something. You know, cause of the rasuk-rasuk thingy. So horrible.
1 more case is mom of 1 friend of mine[Vanessa's Mom] she got those 6Th sense. She came into our school to take report card for her daughter. PS: Vanessa is different class with me, hers is upstairs. Her mom have to pass by my class to go to her class. When she's passing by, she said something like my class is funny. That means Vanessa's mom sense something from my class too? Oh God. I have to be inside the school for few months more. That's terrible and vegetable. Ain't you feel the same way?

Forget about the thing. My salary is our tomorrow if I'm not wrong. So happy because I waited 1 month to get this. ^^ I wish I can do everything I want with it but its limited. Haha.

.. freakingly happy. I FIXED the Internet Line today!

Let me start this from the very beginning.. "I wanted to go online yesterday but I found out that the streamyx login name has changed to something like ';lhjf;slgj;l' that. I try to change back but failed again and again. So, My sis ruined the whole internet connection". thats all.

I thought this line will not be fixed until a streamyx guy or technician come to my house. Mana tau is just the password got wrong. Swt.

I went for this show yesterday with YXinD, VanGD, PZhen, HGuan, WKiat, SDuan, EBeng, KYen, MRui. Is about a psycho women and a wife fighting for a men/husband. Im late again to this show. Sob

About today, I woke up as if so early at 11am to a gathering at McD with my former classmates. Omg, thats really so good, some of them all indians and chinese I did'nt even met for half a year already. Not many pictures were taken because the place was quite small and uncomfortable for me to move.

Today, Granddaughter Van bought something for her boyfriend as birthday present. It is Ex. Van's pocket got a big hole d. Hope her bf like it. XD

Happy Birthdaysss : Kar Yen @ 7-11

Its 12+am now, Its monday tomorrow, Its school day tomorrow, Its time to sleep right now//

x Signing off x [12 July 2009]

Im back, never blog for many days. Its kinda dead here.
Just came back from school due to ping-pong activity. There's a tournament going on, so we went back earlier. The weather are still the same, you'll be sweating like hell eventhough you're just standing under the sun.

I've watched this weeks ago. For me, Its better than 1st part. Not 1st part was not nice, its just better than. haha. Next must-watch-movie : Harry Potter 6* and Final Destination 4. I can't wait to watch both of this show, who wanted to join?

Last week was a small gathering of former sch's friends although we meet often at Asia Cafe. Camwhore there and some discussion. Organized by MYee with YXinD, PZhen, YTing, HGuan, WKiat, JHuei, KSiang, SHau and Me along. We manage to go Club9 too. Quite happy with it cause this gathering was made in just a few days. Next on, my former 5S2 classmates are going to have a gathering soon. So nice, we can meet up and talk about what happened to them for the past one year. Hope most of them show up that day. =)

Zhen n Ting

At Club9

Guan and the pool table. He seems to be attracted to girls something.
Look at him.

Im at the halfway doing my art project now, now only I realized that there are many printing job to be done. Now my printer was out of ink, I have to replace it with a new one. I hope I can print out papers as many as I want with the least usage of ink.// Impossible

Happy Burfday to you :
Mom - 6th July
MYee - 3rd July

x Signing off x [8 July 2009]

Its a brand new month again loh. I didn't update my blog these days leh, being busy for certain things loh. Attending school, tuition, Going out, busy sleeping lah and any other healthy activities that you can imagine lah. I started my art project, at least I'm doing it with a guidance from teachers and friends around me lah. I'll be clueless without them loh. Hahaha. Long way more for me to finish this project but the deadline is at September leh. So everything must be done in a 'ASAP-state' lah.

Im glad Everyone in my family are healthy now, go away lah you this bad karma.

x Signing off loh x [2 July 2009]


My photo
Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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