Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

FINALLY, I've finished my Art Project and handed up morning just now.
Its like a B U R D E N released. Woohoo! Its been so long since I started this project, february onwards.

After that, I went KTV with Daughter and Pei Zhen as a reward for both of us to finish our project. We went there damn early due to our booking at 10am. So, we're the first customer to go in. Hahaha. This is tiring because I woke up early morning to hand up the whole thing.

But, trial exams are so near, I'll be taking the first paper on this thursday.
God Bless Me.

..A free lunch is only found in mousetraps
.. And there's no ceiling on effort!

The last printing cost me 45Bucks for 10+ pictures. URGHH
Btw, im finshing my project!! :D

I've been rushing my art project from the beginning of this holidays. Its like so many things to do, wording, printing, drawing, pasting, capturing. My God. I have to finish all these by monday. Went Daughter house with Eng Beng just now but we've done just a lil.

The worse is the computing part. I don't know how to run the Photoshop software, because I have to put photos inside and design everything. Just that!! That the last procedure and everything will be FINISHed!! Why there is no one is willing to teach us about the software? Eventough they know how to run the software, yet they are so busy with activities and thier own work.
But Nevermind, 3 of us will be heading to teacher house tomorrow to ask to teach us about the software. It is easier this way.

aRT aRT aRT!

Just last weekend, I went Station 1 with Daughter and Pei Zhen to have a drink.

Station 1 is still the most preferred. Hehe

My drink

Pei Zhen and Yean Xin

And, few days before this that is Sunday night. I remember so much. We went for a dinner at Port Klang. And the name of the restaurant is Bagan Hainan Seafood Restaurant. People! remember this name. DONT EVER GO EAT THERE! you know what? we went there with the feeling that we got to eat delicious food because we're so hungry. we went inside and found a table for us to sit. but then, we waited for about 10mins only the people there come and clean our table. Im okay with that. After that, we ordered few dishes. And you know how busy are them? they even forgot the last dish that we ordered after we've waited for so long. before that, Im eating a bowl of rice just with a plate of vege only. the dishes are damn slow. for your notice, there is only a chef in the restaurant. What?! ONLY 1?! i wonder how tauke is going to do their business with only a chef and 3 workers. The service there is so so bad. Arghh, I swear i wont enter that restaurant anymore.

Back to yesterday, Station 1 is better than Jeth Coffee House. Hahaha. we went there yesterday night. After that, I went for Tsunami with Daughter, Hong Guan and Daughter's cousin family them. Haha, the reason we're going is there are 2 extra tickets. XP

Rate : 7 / 10

Altough I didt understand the language they spoke inside the show, but this show is nice.

You can see how one will sacrifice for the one they loved. So touching. Everything is not known in the future, so, appreciate what you have now before its too late.

Beeezzz.. Being beezee thesedays.
Updates are coming soon.

My holidays for Raya started! Hahaha.
Its kinda 'Song' because I dont have to wake up early morning to go school one week.
But this time it is not considered as a holiday for me, so many things I have to finish by this holidays. My art project, Urghhh, the art teacher went back kampung and I cant see her for guiding me on the project. This project must be handed up on the first day right after my holidays.
Another thing is my trial exam is few days right after the holiday end. The worse thing is I haven study what Im supposed to cover up. All I can do is finish my project as soon as possible and start my revision.

I went GreenBox again today. Hahaha, So crazy. With Daughter, Yee fern, Ching Nie, Chee How and Choh Guan. Okay, Its a bit unbelievable but believe this, Choh Guan gave his first visit to GreenBox with us. XP. He never went KTV before this. When I heard this, I was like 'Huh? Hahahaha".


After that, Economy class. Our teacher told us something that is funny.

" If you were really sick during real exam time, dont write or scribble anything on the exam paper. Just in case if you wrote few answers and then only you faint before you can complete your paper, they will count on your paper and you will score so badly on that paper that might cause yourself to fail that paper.
So what you can do is MAKE YOURSELF FAINT BEFORE YOU START YOUR PAPER. hahaha. the next thing they'll do is to send you to the hospital, so you might pass your paper with this way." Seriously, this would work!
But, Im hoping that this will not ever ever happened on myself.

Enjor your daysss

...In some families, please is described as the magic word.
In our house, however, it was sorry.

With Daughter, Pei Zhen, Hong Guan n Wei Kiat @ 12/09/09

Hong Guan was late about 2hours because he had to stay home to take care of his sister's son. Haha. 2HOURS!! We thought he is lying at first. So bad of us. XD

Btw, where is Bukit Lipat?

YX - PZ - SC

Daughter - Dad

4 Of Us

5 of Us. We're so Green


..Hong Guan started his work today,
hope he'll enjoy that cause this job will last very long..

Genting @ 10.11.12 Sept
Hong Guan called me suddenly at about 12 night and after a permission from my dad, I went genting with Hong Guan and his family. The reason why they are going there is because his dad are invited for an gambling event. Eventually, I skipped 2 schooling days. We went there early morning and waited for damn long, its about 200+ people till our turn to check in. After that we went theme park but we're just so lucky to get back the cap and cellphone that went missing there. Phew.. HGuan and I even met a former school friend that lost contact for about years plus, he's taking diploma in Chef course, Cool right? Haha.. Anyway, I had so much fun there this time. ^^.



HGuan and both of his sisters

Be A star KTV. The price is reasonable!!

...To be depressed is to be lonely; to have a friend is to be happy

Lets have a look at the pictures instead of stories. These are the picture I've took on the second and the third day. No first day pics, there is a minor problem with the camera on the first day, so unfortunate. Haha. By the way, this trip is fun. I wish I can go again in the coming December holidaysss. Anyone?!

Inside the hotel room, 5 person sharing a room. Cool

The beach behind the Hotel. Nice

Yi Ting with the Sands

Seriously, we thought of taking normal 1, but our face changed when the seawaves hit us. This expression is so random.

I love This Picture!

I line up for about 20mins to get this Oyster at Gurney.

Eating. There are plenty of stalls there, eat all you can

Wei Kiat - Hong Guan - Me - Yi Ting

Me - Peng Hooi - Hong Guan - Wei Kiat

Having Breakfast


Kek Lok Si

Going somewhere and he is tired on the right

Our Group Photo. The only 1

Buddha's Statue

Random, but I managed to get their face in. XP

The Could is nicely formed

A view from the top. Beautiful

Nice view~

They're building a somekind tower for this huge GuanYin. Amazing

These is roof pieces with names who donated on top. They're using these for the coming new building.

Taking pictures with Horse. All of us are 'Horse' here. Hmm, I look so awkward.

HG and PF bought this due to the HOTTTT weather. Its really hot there if its not raining.

Penang Bridge. Im gonna miss that

Going back time. Take 1

And Finally. XP

I went for this movie on Friday.
Along with Daughter, Hong Guan, Wei Kiat, Mei Yee and My Bro.
Before that, I've been looking forward for this movie dono-for-how-long.
I keep posting words on facebook about going to Final Destination 4,
and because of this movie, we made our first ticket purchase online through TGV website.

As I mentioned, we were the first time watching 3D movie except for Mei Yee.
We're late to this movie for about 10mins, being "Late" was one of tradition.
So, its not already a big deal for us to miss out a lil part in front.
About the movie, Im a bit disappointed, previous one is better for me. One Question, I thought this is 100mins as stated in the website? But why Ended up we watched for only 75mins? Where is the remaining 25mins? I got no idea at all. Maybe we can complain to the management for cheating us. Haha

We are considered OK with the late and kinda disappointed, The worse thing is Wei Kiat was late for an hour, basically he watched for about 10mins only. Pity him right? He just sat there 10mins for 18bucks.. EXPENSIVE. But the best part for this movie is it is still Disgusting. There are still some shocking part and bloody scene, blood splitting here and there and how will one dies.

Rate : 7/10


Just today,
2 of my cousins, my bro and I went for a drink. I hadn't really sit down and talk to them for quite a long time already. The last met with my cousins is about half a year ago. So long. We even discussed to go Taiwan after few years, it is still a long time to gooooooooo. Planning for our budgets and all that. Haha, so funny. Wish to hang out with them more next time. XD

A good friend is hard to find, hard to lose, and impossible to forget...

Im going out for a show tonight, hoping that Final Destination 4 is nice. I haven watch a show with 3D before. Imagine the blood and the dying scene becoming so true.

Weekend is coming again. The more weekend comes, the nearer it is. Art project's deadline, Trial on the beginning of October. Everything are getting so near. This is what I supposed to do,

- stay at home finish my project
- avoid going out so often at night
- start Studying
- don't touch computer this is so difficult

It takes a long time to grow an old friend.

- by John Leonard


My photo
Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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