Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Im very-extremely-so-Tired today. As planned, I went Lagoon today! Tee-Hee..
Updates for today will be very soon. Last but not least...

...Happy 19th Burfday to Hong Guan.
.Grow old already lah.//

x Signing off x [Friday, 29 May 2009]

At last, my freaking mid term has finished with the busy-ness paper today. It dragged for almost 2weeks to finish all the exam when they can just arrange it within a week. Okay, as I finished my exam, that means my holidays are coming! SO FREAKING NICE Although it is just 2weeks from the beginning of June. So, My books will be kept frozen inside the refrigerator for 2weeks, or perhaps more. Hahaha. So, whats the plan for holiday?

For me, I've canceled all my going-to-do holiday plans. Because I've found a part time holiday job. Working? Yes, I'm going to work. Why? I'll grow old faster at home if I didn't find myself a thing to do during the holidays. Its the old place, 'PadiniConceptStore'. If I recall back, I already quit there for 1year because of Form6. After 1 tough year, I've been hired due to sales, if not they won't do so. Lucky timing huh? Therefore, I'll be spending my whole holidays working inside a shopping mall.

Don't talk about the that first, the main thing is YXindaughter, VanGDaughter, Ade, Ade's BF, HGuan and I will be going to Sunway Lagoon this Friday. I'm So freaking looking forward for this outing. I've forgotten how long it is since I last went in. I wanted to play everything, everything and also everything. Although I cannot play and enjoy during the holiday, but its enough if I went Lagoon. My wallet is bleeding at the same time too. Lucky thing Ade got a discount for the entrance tickets. Hahaha.

Lagoon Here I Come

x Signing off x [Wednesday, 27 May 2009]

Tagged By Eva

Rules :

1. It's harder than it looks!

2. Copy to your own post, erase my answers, enter yours and tag people you want.
3. Describe the person who tagged you and put him/her picture.
4. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions.
5. They have to be real; nothing made up!
6. If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers.
7.You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

She's one of my coullegue before and
she's doing hard for her studies now.. Jiayou!

01. What is your name : Chen Shen Chieh
02. A four letter word : Crew
03. A boy's name : Colin
04. A girl's name : Christine
05. An occupation : Criminal
06.A colour : Chocolate
07. Something u wear : Chain
08. A food : Coconut
09. Something found in the bathroom : Conditioner
10. A place : Canada
11. A reason for being late : Completing my Homework
12. Something u shout : Come On!
13. A movie title : Changeling
14. Something u drink : Can Cocacola
15. A musical group : Click 5
16. An animal : Cat
17. A street name : Chow Kit Road
18. A type of car : Citroen
19. Title of song : Check Yes Juliet
20. Something you use in school : Chemical Substances
21.People i wanna tag:

Yean Xin [Daughter]
Vanessa Taw [G.'Son']
I can't use any word twice.. Haha

x Signing off x [Saturday, 23 May 2009]

I got no idea why for the mid term I really got none of the feeling like 'Owh, I must study hard this time'.. Chit chatting around the school. So, if wanted to study, don't talk to others. They'll influence your mind to not study. Hahaha.

I had my General paper today and also yesterday. It is all about writing and issues about Malaysia and I don't really like it. There are 3 more papers to go. Okay, just 3 more. 3 more only. Then I'll be getting off from school for 2weeks. How nice it is we got holidays after exam. Mine are starting at the 1st of June! I can sleep late, Wake up late, Stay in front the computer all time, Going out anytime I want. But my schools' holiday always didn't crash up with any of my colleges friend's sem break. Theirs will surely arranged either right before mine or right after mine. When they enjoy, we study and when we're enjoying, they're having break. This is so not right. Right?

Actually, daughter, granddaughter, Ade and I are planning for Sunway Lagoon during holiday. The good news is: "we are having 20% discount!" And the bad news is: "we haven come up with a decision yet which day we're going." I never go Sunway for 'Centuries' already. So, hopefully this plan is working.

x Signing off x [Wednesday, 20 May 2009]

Being busy this few days.
Exam started today with Microecons. What I studied don't seems to appear on the question paper and of course vise versa. Nevermind, its already over. 2weeks more to go for all of us to finish mid term. All I can do is to grab my books and keep on digesting every single word in it. For now, last minute works are important cause it will help and Im doing it. Haha. Counting 1 2 3 4 5 6... My final exam thats STPM are getting near, its just another 6 months from now..

Anyway, I had this show with YXindaughter, PZhen, JHuei, HGuan, WKiat, Dk.

Its more about religion,
I thought angels and demons will turn up as the title shown but it does not.
Don't really get what it means at the beginning cause we're a lil bit late but behind was Okay. Haha//

Rating : 6 / 10
[Im sure with this rate now, xD]

x Signing off x [Friday, 15 May 2009]

Registration of lower form6 today in my school. It is nice I can meet frens that I didn't see for few months. But yet boring cause you have to sit inside the class doing nothing, the reason is 8 out of 10 periods in the timetable got no teacher. All of them were busy on stuffs, they didn't enter the class. So, wandering around the school chit-chatting anywhere I can. Weather nowadays are shhhhhhhoooooo freaking horribly terribly hot. I guess You can imagine the weather also, 'I sweat inside the class even though few fans exists inside.'
My class considered okay. For some classes, their class was facing Directly to the sun and when the horrible bright sun rises, their expression will like vampire-being-exposed-to-the-sun. Doors and windows are closed to prevent the rays to attack them.

This is the worse, there is a problem with my room's air-cond. Maybe the air-cond paip blocked already or what, water keep leaking down from the air-cond. I have to close it when water is leaking. The people who promised to fix the air-cond ffk-ed today. SWEAT. I really can't take the 'hotness' when there is a place for me to rest nicely and peacefully especially inside my room. How am I gonna sleep like that?

Mid term is around the corner.
Everyone is working hard on it, so I have to start running too.//

x Signing off [Monday, 11 May 2009]
Jia you everyone


Due to wesak day, I went and help out for temple activities with JHuei & KSiang. Its the same again, I have to put on costumes to walk on the streets with a lot of people and this time is a far/ long journey walk. The place is at Jenjarom, Zong Zhen know ker? Im protraying a character that have to put on 'Misai/janggut', and that looks so damn funny. When Im walking, some children were laughing cause even I myself are laughing there. I was thinking: 'Maybe you see many other's before but not mine, mine is a bit special one.' XD. I guess the whole kampung people came out and support this activity, as you know Jenjarom there is full of chinese peoples. Few roads were blocked when we're crossing the streets, not good huh cause we caused traffic jam, but we can only do this once a year so nevermind lar. XD. It is Nice but legs are still unwell.

Right after we're done with costumes all that
and also the .Janggut part.


Another temple activity, 'Food Fair'. So, I went and help out too. With JHuei, KSiang, BChung. After the arrangement, Im helping on the 'Guest Job'. Guess what, my job is to stand at the door there and greet whoever comes in with saying : 'Amithaba'. Im repeating this throughout the fair, I guess about few thousands times. There are plenty of peoples, and a lot of foods are being sold. food-fair ma. This fair end at 2something. For those who attended for help, they'll get a free coupon for 1set of food and drink. We can choose what we wanted to eat but just 1meal free. Others? = buy yourself. Haha. Of course lar I did't go there just for the coupon.

Coupons and pouring water on Buddha's body
as a sign of bathing for Him.

Don't get annoyed of the temple thingy,
I know Im talking so much about that. XD

Lastly, Happy Mother's Day
to every Beloved Mummy!

x Signing off x [Sunday, 10 May 2009]
Sc:"Hapi Mother's day, Mummy"

will be my Muet speaking exam. I hope the Question given will be normal. As long as I can understand the Q enough. Don't ever come out like topic about patriotism or anything related with politics, or else I will die of suffer talking about our absolutely beautiful and nice country. Blessshh all of us//

x Signing off x [Wednesday, 6 May 2009]

*Edits 9.24pm

Honestly, today's speaking exam is at 'Okay' border only. I manage to handle la although I don't really know 2 out of 3 members that is in the same group with me. Seriously, I'm shooooo nervous, everything in me became slow motion, my mind, my nerves, my hands, even the way I speak. But its all over, I'm back in normal.
A hang out with YXindaughter, PZhen & Jhuei in Greenbox today at 12noon. Thanks to my daughter who sacrificed the guest coupon. JHuei [rap-per] you're so noisy inside =D.
Another hang out with Christine at jj again right after Im back to home. Jj is like the 2nd house of mine already, go there so often. Chit-chatting about everything, includes Class Politics[Happening in Taylor.C.]. So funny. //

We did this so random today,
We went Kfc just for a drink at about 10plus night instead of mamak. To feel the air-cond kononnya, Haha. I have to say sorry to WKiat because I poured almost half of my pepsi on his Cheezy wedges accidentally. I'm just putting the tray aside only, dont blame me huh. XD.

Again, I'm not going to school tomorrow. My sister have to go through the same thing as my mama, 'Blood test'. So, that my job to bring her to hospital with my mama along. ^^
A day just passed by so fast. Gtg//

x Signing off x [Sunday, 3 May 2009]

Its a tiring day again.
Although my mama is alright now, but she have to go for blood test for further checking. So, I wake up so early morning to fetch her and company her at the hospital. There were so many processes, blood test-wait for doctor-test results-pharmacy. This takes us 2hour + to finish that.
Lucky there is a TV, if not I'll be bored. She got a same appointment again next friday.

I spent my most day on a wesak day's activity. This activity is about protraying buddha's story with costumes and we have to walk around the whole place with our costumes for about 2.5hour.
Shoooo longggggg. But when we're walking on streets, people are just looking at all of us no matter they're in the car or in the house. Its quite a good experience for a 1st timer, haha. And now my legs are so 'not-pain'.

HKith, M3, JHuei, KSiang, CNie, YJin, YTing

QHui, CNie, YJin, YTing

KSiang, JHuei, M3

Summary of thing happened today, I should get myself on the bed now//
*HKith, don worry you wont get breast cancer! Haha

x Signing off x [Saturday, 2 May 2009]

Went B.Cahaya with Christine and her family morning juz now.
As usual, there will be plenty of ppl werever you go today because of public holiday. The park is huge and we could'nt finish exploring every single part. It is quite fun walk with a map on ur hand and figuring where to go next. But the weather today is shhoooooo damn hot, You'll feel dizzy standing under the hot sun today and skins are burning. I wish that its couldy today so we can just stay longer inside.
Feel tired and so sleepy. Its nice sitting infront of the computer inside an air-cond room now. I guess I have to take a nap first.//

x Signing off x [Friday, 1 May 2009]

//Edits [4.52am]

Wolverine show at about 6 evening after a peaceful rest. I thought the whole movie will only show about wolverine. But end up not. Their superpowers are awesome, laser eyes, teleportation, steel hard body, and of course wolverine's claw & etc. etc. . I like a character named Gambit instead of Dambit which I've remembered wrongly, who control and throw cards with his power. Btw, You will not boring watching this show because every part of it will be nice. For me, there are also several unpredictable scene that make this show interesting. =)

I give 8/10

cause of the ending. watch yurself to know.//


My photo
Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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