Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

...will be watching Legion tonight with HGuan. Kinda crazy, the crazy part is only both of us going. We used to go with a bunch of friends. Luckily thats not a love show or what, if not.. hmmm.. sounds Creepy right. Why is it only both of us? Because the others are like bees, so busyyyyyy today.. Nevermind, Forget it.

The headmistress of our brand is not here today. So, we're like so relax doing anything. Even when talk to the others also we won't be like "She's watching me or what?". Heehee. but Its kinda boring also without her. If she's here, she will give us non-stop work... Really Non-Stop one you know. XD

Going Greenbox with few colleagues tomorrow <3

about this...

As you know, I went and dye my hair on Monday. Yesterday is my off day so my colleague don't get the chance to see my hair yesterday. Ok, fine.

I go work today and they start asking me, you know with those unbelievable eyesight : "Did you dye your hair? How come I see nothing there, Looks like black only." Haih~~~ Then I have to explain to them ONE BY ONE : "No, I did dye my hair, but the color haven't come out yet, you have to wait few dayssss to see changes on my hair". Fuh, you know I repeated this N TIMES and they are like : "Oh really?!.. I SEE.. *Smiling there*." Zzzzz. The worse thing is I told quite a lot of people I gonna dye my hair because I'm excited..

So, if I gonna dye my hair next time, I won't be telling until they come and ask me : "Hey, DID YOU DYE YOUR HAIR?" and I'll answer : "YES!!!"

What I gonna do now is to wait till the black + navy color fade away to don't-know-what-color. XD So that they will realize I dye my hair actually. Hehe..


I dye my hair yesterday night. I work morning shift yesterday, so I went back earlier and meet Sky in his saloon. I waited for almost 5hours to gwt my hair done, from 7 to 11 plus. So long. Now, my hair is navy in color almost black, he say the color will fade and change into other color as days goes by. Heehee. 

Tonight, some of my friends we be having a steamboat dinner with me at Bukit Tinggi. Looking forward!!
It is like a small gathering since we're so busy nowadays. Weeeee.. See you guys tonight!!


Now, Im joyful living in my current situation, current job, current Life. My parents bought home some chicken essence. And I was like "Omg, this is so good. I'll be glad having this"..

I like my current work, maybe it is because I have friends working with me and I can complain or mess around with them anytime. My colleagues are like so funny and they always make random jokes. Make fun of each another, doing crazy things. *Laugh*  But, not to forget my friends that I used to hang out with after I finishes my work. *High5*
Two rules to survive working : Ask If You Don't Know and Stay Steady. thats all

Although it is not like everything is as perfect as you imagined, but it is good to have something happened with imperfections. Sometimes things happened around me are not really the things I wanted, but the good thing is I can see some other unexpected things that I might just missed inside it. Right?

I'm listing down what I'm going to do next month and what is upcoming next for the next month. Everything is planning and will be planned. Looking forward for the Gathering and to Saloon for hair dye if possible!!!


As I said, we really went Pyramid and watch Case39 yesterday night. This show was similar as Orphan. When the show is showing, HGuan keep comparing with Orphan. "This show looks alike with Orphan eh", "This Girl behave like that Woman in Orphan". Why HGuan Why HGuan Why HGuan Why HGuan Why HGuan. Are you Sure?!

"Emily thinks she has seen it all until she meets her newest, most mysterious case - a troubled 10-year-old Lillith Sullivan (Jodelle Ferland). Emily's worst fears are confirmed when the parents try to kill Lillith, their only daughter. Emily saves her and decides to take her herself until the right foster family comes along. However, the situation soon escalates into danger."

In conclusion, that little Girl named Lilllith inside Case39 is some sort of Devil. She can control everything she want included how you die. Horrible. But the good thing is she died at the end.

Rate : 7 / 10

Im back to work today   : )

Im tired these few days. I woke up early morning on last saturday for the sales preparation, is 8am. This is the worse, I have to stay till 10.30pm. Gosh. Freakingly tired!!

I went to "Jom masuk U" carnival yesterday to survey which Local University is suitable for us. Because we have to fill in some forms later on. As Mei Yee said, there are almost 95% and above are Malays. >.<.. At first I don't know where is it and I almost got to the wrong way. Luckily I call my dad and asked him.

Many things are happening nowadays, people are getting busy but I feel great because we can still come out and hang around together even tough how busy we are..

Yean Xin, Hong Guan, My Brother and I will be watching Case39 tomorrow night. YXin insist to watch this so much, so we bought Sunway's instead of Jusco's ticket because this is not showing in Jusco. WTH?!
Horror film.. You know I dislike horror film because I'll be closing my eyes throughout the show. Hahaha.

This is not important but IM OFF TOMORROW!!!

I got my MUET result today. The reault is what I wanted since I retake this Exam. Quite happy about it.  : D
I spotted some nice shirts and I know I can buy for a cheaper price. But everything only can be done when my salary is out at the end of this month. LONG MORE.. So, all I have to do now is to make reservation and reservation.

Today is the last day for a colleague of mine. Sing Kah. I got to say Bye Bye to him.. Unfortunately, he is not reading this. Nevermind, he knew that. He gave everyone of us an Egg tart and a Cake. Yummy!! Thanks to him.. We will miss him..    :  (

 Tomorrow is my offday, I want to make myself to wake up naturally, you know.. NATURALLY. Because I have to make myself to make used of alarm everyday to wake me up from my sweet dream to go work.

Thank GOD

All I want is Sleep. XD

Still going through my working life.. Everything is So far so Good. Because there is friends with me working there. That is Yean Xin and Mei Yee. Coincidently, YXin's shifts are the same with me the coming whole week. heehee

I wanted to dye my hair. Any suggestion? My brother ask me to make it blond because he wanted to dye the colour I wanted earlier, dark RED. CNY is coming so soon, Gong Hei Fat Choi. I did't really buy clothes. Just a few enough. How about you? Because I see everyone is buying about hundreds there in Padini. Especially Women.

I wanted to watch Movies but I got no time recently, some of them are working, some are busy. Pei Zhen is facing an Exam coming Friday. Good Luck to you!! Don't come out so often until you finish your exam. Roger that? Hahaha..

Some of my colleague like to 'Snake' whenever my Senior is not around.
I got no idea at all about this.    : (

I started the Padini work few days ago on first Jan. Hahaha. It is quite tiring because I have to get myself into the working situation and feeling. But now I can compromise with the situation there already. Everything is going Smooth. And I can make new friends. That is good. Heehee. Due to my work, my Dad bought me a Kancil as a transport for me to go work. So good of him, Very Much Thanks to him and my Mom!!! Love them!!
I came back early today at 4pm instead of 6.30pm. I can rest more and more.. I having off day on Tuesday too. Weeeeeeeee.
My colleague are planning to go GreenBox tomorrow night. Hope it is on.. =)


I went for a Buddhist camp (Ai Wo Qing Nian) on 29/30/31 Dec. For some reasons, I have to go there 2 days earlier. OMG. That means I have to stay there 5 days. So long. So, 5 days of camp and of course 5 days vegetarian food. Vege Vege Vege... and still Vege. I don't elaborate about the camp so much. I was one of the facilitator. The camp was quite fun but not the beginning. Everything was like so COLD infront. Not bad overall. At least I found myself a camp before the year ends. Heehee.

These are the part of the committee. XD
I wish I could go again this year.

Now, the countdown day. I came back from the camp about evening. I did't even rest and straight away go out with Tuck Chee after bathing. So rush. We went to have steamboat buffet as our dinner with PZhen, JHuei, BChung, KSiang, Dickson and 3 more friends. It is near sunway pyramid, name of the shop is 'Summer'. Been there before? the food there is quite nice. Eat till you drop. I was tired and full after the dinner. @@

Tuck Chee - Me - Pei Zhen

Below are the group photos.. XD

Tuck Chee and Pei Zhen, you know what happened right? hahaha.. *Hug hug*

After that, I went CocoBanana and meet up with HGuan, Jeffrey, Melissa, Kivi and friends. Heehee. They are having countdown session there. That place deco is nice but extremely jam, we have to push people in order to walk to the other side or to the dance floor. So flooded inside. *Faint. We countdown inside and it is     so fun.. Counting down inside a bar and peoples are shouting everywhere you can see.

Yum Seng!!! Celebrating the new coming year

Kivi - M3 - Jeffrey

Group photo

To Be Continued....


my sister woke up suddenly and cry to my mom
which is sleeping saying 'Good Night' to her and I don't know why.


My photo
Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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