Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Its just getting so uncomfortable with this tests preparation,

I'm spending 4 of my sleeping hours to finish this horrible topic.

and yet its just A sub-topic only..

There's a lot for me to digest 2 of these miserable topics, I guess some of you know which 1 I'm mentioning. =D


Okay, I have to continue already.

x Signing off x [Monday, 30 March 2009]

Rules #1: 被点者请在自己的BLOG写下答案。
Rules #2: 请传给另外其他人。(至少3个)
Rules #3: 传阅人请在这时个人的留言板中,告知他/她已被点名了。
Rules #4: 这些被点名者,被点的会得到幸福,愿望立刻实现。



你的绰号: "Kit", "Sc"
年龄: 19
生日: 4月21日
星座: 金牛座
兴趣: 唱歌。
专长: 劝人。是吗?


你有没有喜欢的人: 没有咯,家人算吗?哈哈
是否在交往: 没有啦
现在幸福吗: 幸福啊~
如果上天给你勇气,你最想做的事是: 帮人家开刀
如果有一天你爱的人跟你告白,你会: Why? 惊讶


点你的人是: Kelly ^^
她是你的: 堂妹
她的个性: 友善,努力
认识她多久: 很多很多年了,十只手指也数不着。。哈哈
你觉得他怎样: 不错不错。。嘻嘻,乐于助人
你想对他说什么: 努力读书啊!


最爱的节目: 广东连续剧。。好看叻
最爱的音乐: 好听的就放马过来吧。
最爱的季节: 冬天 (因为未尝试过)
最爱的卡通: Jigoku Shoujo
永远的偶像 : S.H.E
最爱的人: 家人啦!
最爱的颜色: 蓝与白
最爱的国家: 当然是马来西亚啦。。哈哈
最爱的天气: 有乌云但是没下雨,这样才好睡吗。。


1) 合家平安 (好古。。哈哈)
2) 统考考好来,上大学咯
3) 钱装满袋。。哈哈
你是一个专一的人吗:Of course
最深刻的回忆: 太多了。。都很深刻
你是个很有信心的人吗: 是!
你很爱微笑吗: 爱爱爱
如果要你放弃现在的生活: 我肯定说 NO!
妄想什么样的生活: 幸福美满的生活
是否横刀夺爱才是爱: 不会幸福的啦。。真心相爱才真吗。。

1. 艳欣
2. 嫣颖
3. 鸿源
4. 宏志

I should be inside my dad's car now with my family,
they're going for "Qing Ming" today. Is at KL.

Or else-

I should be at a hall near titiwangsa for an activity with YXin & PZhen.
But we canceled the plan last minute.


Im sitting in front of computer and start blogging about wher should I be.
I must force myself to put my msn status as "Appear Offline" in order to avoid any interruptions for my rivision.
YXin taught me this. Hahaha

See this 方大同 愛愛愛 女生合唱版 [Fang da tong : Ai ai ai (Girls duet version)]

I found this video accidentally somewhere at blogger also. The girl sang so Nice right?

x Signing off x

Greenbox again today from 1 to 4pm.
JHuei & BChung along, I met YXin, PZhen & Vanessa ther too. =D

Absent again to school today, some sort of ceramah about morality is happening, so I decided not to go. Boring

Anyway, have to go and bring my sister back form kindergarden.
She finish at 5pm.

I miss MCD's fun fries

x Signing off x

Tests are around here,
haven prepare anything,
yet the chapters coming out are damn a lot..

Okay, just a test, no worries =D

Im Addicted to this song :
Innocence - Arvil Lavigne

.To those who are in love now,
Please appreciate what is in front of you,
Don't ever start regreting if you've loss it.

x Signing off x

I went "Run For Peace". [Yesterday]

Its 8km long and all of us who entered have to run till ambang botanic there, so longggggggg lah.

1st timer..

At first "I run with you k?", "Wait for me loh" but end up all running themself including me. Lol
Damn a lot of people there, about 5500 people, and we're wearing the same shirt.. All green one.
The activity starts at 8.00 and I finally finish it at 9something, imagine I ran these long.
I seldom exercise 1 lah..
They gave a cert and some cold drinks and foods to me after the run. So Nice =D

M3, JHuei, Dickson & KSiang, JHuei, M3

YTing, YXin, CNie, MYee, Violet, KSiang, SLing, Huey,
M3, JHuei, Dickson

Before & After the run [M3]

So nice can enter this activity with friends. Haha
I enjoyed. Yeepeeee

After that about 11+, I went to my current school for a Blood Donation Activity.
Actually we went just for an attendance..
But end up.. I DONATED [Yesterday]

1st timer..

"I donate if Hooi Ling donate" I said this.
But she's going to donate also because at first she dosent want, so I said that.

Filling in the form

My bloods r flowing out

Its a good experience for me.. Hahaha
At least I know how pain is it when the nurse is poking in the big needle thingy into you.
And I get to know my blood type when im testing whether I can dotane or not.
Mine is "A"..
How about yours? Do you remember? =D

Ppl who donated: My classmates.
M3, Ching Nie, Chee How, Hooi Ling, Lan Tzin
All I can say is "So Good Of U".. Daughter YXin she cant donate cause she had some problems. I know she wants to donate blood so much, Hahaha

Im hungry and we went MCD after that.
I have to eat something after loss of 350ml of blood.
RM5.95 for a MCD meal. Its Worth!

For conclusion:
Im so tired and my legs are soooooooo pain.
All I've done are sleep about dono how long and missed a day to school today.. Hahaha

x2 First Time within A Day! =D ps:YXin I grab photo from you k? hehe

Suddenly, my daughter YXin called me using PZhen's phone.. 1pm+
Asking where am I and wanna go greenbox jj or not.
There's a small singing competition going on at i-capsule.

So i went jj and meet her without any information about the thing.
Oh, like that, Got it.
After im clear what is it about, I choose a song 我可以-蔡旻佑.. Juz to fill in a form about youself before you start singing..
The staff: "We'll call u within 2 days to tell whether you succeed to go into next stage or not."
Im thinking: "Okay, you wont call"
Conclusion : Nervous. nervous. nervous

YXin recoreded the singing process inside her phone. Dont post it out ar.
I really hope both of them participate.. but they did't.

1 of my friend went Ns today.. Kar Yen.. Byes ^^
chey, sounds like she wont come back anymore

*edits 8.10

life will always be happy with satisfactions
do you feel satisfy of what you're having now?
For me : I am

I ate this, promoted by Vanessa [Treat's Cafe]

Name: Scones
Its a bread thingy with jam, butter and cream you can put on it.

This is the first time im eating this,
I dont even know where to start eating at the beginning.. Haha
But I manage to finish it and the creams are a lot and it will make you feel something.
something lah..

There's 1 more person today, HGuan. He joined us cause some sort of things happened.
And he's fetching all of us.. So good

The scones is Nice..

YXin Vanessa Adelyn M3 [HGuan the camera guy]

I cant imagine I studied.. 1hour+
Thanks to that person who have asked me to do that.
x Signing off x

Finally, i went greenbox today with my frens.. So nice
There are so many peoples today.. rooms are full for afternoon sessions.
holiday mah, and its cheap if you have student card.

After that, we went for this movie :

Race To The Witch Mountain
"You are what you think You are"

Dont judge a book by its cover,
I thought this movie will like not nice,
No im wrong, its exciting and nice. you have to watch it to kno
Overall, this movie is showing stuffs about aliens and how they get back to thier planet from earth.

Rate : 8/10


Signing off
*Edits 7.40
Once again, im not going for PA tuition class..
See how bad am I..
I cant resist the holiday mood..
Im going for scones tomorrow at Kota Kemuning with
Yx, Vanessa, Adelyn.. [18/3/09]

Friday: 13th Mac / Saturday: 14th Mac

I went genting with HGuan & his parents, PHooi, and WKiat. 6 of us.
We arrived at genting about 12pm+

Its raining ther, unfortunate. ps:so cold la there after rain, you might be thinking "Duh"
So, we went in the Theme Park after the rain stop at about 2pm.
We got some vouchers, so the tickets for All Park are cheaper, thats RM25 instead of RM51 each for a day of unlimited ride. Cheap rite?

Rides that we enjoy:
Spinner, Space Shot, Cyclone, CorkScrew, Antique Car and etc.
We bought these pics as well after our ride..

Cyclone Ride

Cork Screw Ride

So tiring la playing at theme park,
My hands and legs muscle are so tight after that.

7pm + : Dinner Time [We're starve after the theme park activities]
So nice I can eat much at the restaurant, we went Good Friend Restaurant.

We went for DragonBall Movie / midnight show also, a thing that we must do at genting.
This show not bad lar, but the time is a bit too short.. I give..

Rate: 7/10

We went for snooker also, I admit that im so suck in that,
I shoot in only 1 out of all the balls, see how weak la me.

There's so many things more I wanted to write.. But Its juz too long.
All I can comment is "Im happy going this trip with Hguan, Wkiat, and PHooi during this holiday =D"
And thanks to HGuan's parents as well =D

Lastly, How could I forget this:

HGuan, M3, PHooi

WKiat, HGuan, PHooi, M3

4 in a row

M3 and Myself


School holidays are coming, therefore,
I get myself a list to do..

  1. Hang out with frens. [I must talk to them]

  2. Have a really nice sleep [At least I dont need to wake up at 6 every morning]

  3. Go jalan jalan anywher I want.

  4. Go greenbox [I've been looking forward for this dont for kno how many decades alr]

  5. Bring my sister to tadika.

  6. Attend to tuition classes. [I've been skipping tuition classes for few days alr]

  7. Study study [Tests are near, left about 7 months more to STPM]

.U couldnt stop something to happen,

If it happened,

Dont ever ignore,

Believe yourself,

Believe that "I can",

Dont ever blame yourself for doing mistakes,

What you can do is Juz To find a solution.

ps: Congratulation for my fren who get flying colours in thier SPM =D

Within A year -U could get a girl or boyfriend
Within A month - U could be celebrating an anniversary with him/her

Within A week - U could be going for a vacation with him/her

Within A day - U could have thinkin him/her few hundred thousand times

Within An hour - U could have finish a lunch together with him/her
Within A minute - U could have sent him/her messages

Within A second - Its enough for a heart break from U

.Appreciate when its here,
When there's problems,
Solve before its going deeper,
Wake up before its too late,
And take actions before u lose it.

Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae a.k.a Jigoku Shoujo Season 3

My favourite anime of all time

"Just untie this red string if u really desire revenge [Straw Doll],
If you untie it, you'll officially be in a contract with me.
The person whom you wish to take revenge on will be swiftly taken to hell,
If you take revenge, I'll also make you pay the price.
.Curse Someone and two graves will be dug.
If the contract is completed, your soul will also be taken to hell.
Although it's only after u die.
Its up to u to decide now."
Jigoku Shoujo - Hell Girl's Quote

This anime came back recently,
with some new characters.

Rate : 10/10

Rules:It's harder than it looks!Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag twenty people.Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions.They have to be real.Nothing made up!If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers.You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. What is your name: Chen Shen Chieh
2. A four letter word: Cake
3. A boy's name: Christopher
4. A girl's name: Christine
5. An occupation: Chemist
6. A color: Concentrate Red
7. Something you'll wear: Chanel
8. A vegetable: Cabbage
9. A food: Char Kuey Tiao
10. Something found in bathroom: Can
11. A place: Canada
12. A reason that being late: Can't wake up
13. Something you'd shout: COOL!!
14. A movie title: Curious case of Benjamin Button
15. A drink: Cherry Lime
16. A musical group: Chemical romance
17. An animal: Camel
18. A street name: Completely no idea =D
19. A type of car: Citroen Berlingo
20. A title of a song: Complicated

I tag:
No One

Not much for today,

Okay, I went KimGary with Yx, Cn & Eb today after school..
Actually, we are planning to share cakes at Secret Recipe,
something turn up then we went Kim for our lunch.
Not bad la the foods ther..

So, we are eating and gossiping there without any studies
Although there's a small test today in ecomony's class after that..
We were talking and laughing loud in the restaurant and its a bit odd with our school uniform there.. :D

About the small test,
We went there for the test at economy class after we had our lunch,
Its extremely tough, no 1 can figure out how to answer even a question out of 9.
Sigh.. And Im staring at the paper without hands moving.

And, My economy teacher insisting us on "Not getting addicted to online games" ever ever.. This is an experience of her that she told us today [About her son 1 lah].. Okay, I admit Im still playing online games, but I can control myself 1, okay? =D


Yesterday was my beloved Dad's Birthday.. [3/3/09]

So, i bought this and celebrated for him.. =D
We're not going out anywher because of my night tuition
and I didt plan to miss the class.. Sobz

Big Apple's Donutss

Tasty Isn't It?

I bought this Bday card to him..

Its because of the design, its like some sort of wedding invitation card.. Haha
Hope he'll like it.. ^^

ps: Happy Birthday to U[x4] -- Dedicated to my dad and i know its a bit late.

I go online to my MsN today,
Suddenly, all of the e-mails are Deleting itselfs in front of me..
What the Heck?!

OMG! What happened? = =
I really cant do anything about it..

So, what can I do is to add U guys again..
If u Dont See me online.. Delete me and Add me again.



My photo
Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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