Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Planning and Planning. Choosing and Choosing. Finally we went Sunway Pyramid for christmas countdown. There are 5 of us including YXin, PZhen, HGuan and WKiat. At first we are planning to watch movie one, Treasure Hunter. But all the movies for that day were fully booked. So end up not watching any. We went there about 8pm and got a parking there about 9.15pm. Not really jam because we went there earlier. There are still some parking slots left for us.

After that, we went Wong Kok Char Chan Teng for our dinner. Quite full there but the waiter manage to get us a table. Okay, we ordered and the dishes were served quite fast. HGuan was complaining that the food he order is not nice. Hahaha. And, the size of the glass for the drinks we order was served accordingly to our body size. LMAO. HGuan is the Big size yet short one.

Jeffrey came and join us about 10plus. We went for jalan jalan. There's a new bar 'Opera' and the people inside was so full. There are so many police standing beside the streets to avoid spray selling. So, you will see no one is selling any spray so public there but privately through bag. Interesting.
Okay, we started to spraying each another about 12am. Everyone is spraying like hell there. Even the cars get sprayed. I bought my jacket there to wipe myself instead. Jeffrey sprayed into YXin mouth accidentally. Hahaha. Whole body was damn sticky after that. Anyway, we had a perfect christmas countdown there this year. XD

Wong Kok Char Chan Teng

HGuan's Drink. So cute Isn't it?

Capturing with a small Christmas Tree

HGuan - PZhen - YXin - Me - WKiat

The Group Photo. That is Jeffrey with Specs

After the Wars


Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, and Jingle all the way. Christmas is so near. as you know, tomorrow will be Christmas eve, Any planning tomorrow? Countdown, Have a drink with friends, Go shopping, Go take photos? which one are you?

I meet up with Polly today at Time Square, its been a year since we last met. She's staying at KL. Well, I know her from a Buddhist Camp. Im the fasilator for her group, you know they do divide them into groups. At first I meet her, she's a very shy girl and with the dont-bother-me type of faces. Later on, I get to know thats the first time she's staying outside alone. Learning to be independent herself. That must be quite hard for her. Right? After some time of playing and mixing around, I found out that she's actually an active girl. Like to talk, Got a bit Sampat type lah. Hahaha Well,. It is happy knowing her...

Bao Qiong, If u're reading.. I wanted to tell you that : "I got cheated today, keep the brush case nicely. Hahahaha"

Photos with her.. X'MASS

There are some company to time square today too, Ks-Bc-Jh. Quite many photos were took but haven upload yet. There is some snowing event going on at Pavillion 8pm sharp, actually it is just made up of soap, they spray it out from top. At least there is something white falling from top. and seriously the Christmas Decos at Pavillion are awesome. and now Im staying one night at KL (Jiang Huei's House).. blogging so early

Im Looking forward for the Countdown for Christmas. YAY!!

I almost forgotten to blog about this one until I see the pictures. Hahaha. I went Prom last saturday with YXin-PZhen-Gold. It is organised by my former school schoolmates. Seriously, it is not really okay because of the seat, we were late for it and the seats for us are not well arranged. So, we have to sit behind.. This is not a problem, the problem is we can't really see what is happening infront there. The performance were all infront. Not bad lar overall, eventough things are getting crazier in the end.
Camwhore there too.

At Daughter's House.

Pei Zhen / Me

Gold / Me

Pao Li / Me

Group Photos beside the Pool

Some of their Christmas Deco. We've blocked the house behind us

Bang.Bang.Bang. The new edition of 007.
Photo Of the Day. Haha

PromNextYearButNotKECPlease. HeeHee

I meet up with my Old school Friend today, Boey Lee, she is a she.. But she say her name sounds like boy. I don't think so. Does she? Its been 5years since we last met. She never change, still the same her.
I met up with a lot of my old friends nowadays, especially primary school friends. So nice, none of them changed. Lucky they were back for holidays, if not I guess I don't have the chance to meet them too.

Yes, this is what friends is, you will still contact and meet up even decades you've never meet. A friend is to heart and care for. Not lies and betrayal to show that you care and heart them. To be frankly, I need people's lies and betrayment to grow, I don't want to be naive.  I don't wear a mask to make friends. Eewww. that is so disgusting yet horrible. So, we have to 'make friends with specs' (Cantonese sounds better).
Honestly, the heart and care don't always happen nowadays, it is difficult to find a hearted friend but it is easy to find a hatred friend. Everyone owned a heart, but you know which heart Im talking. Im happy to have some hearted and hatred friends around me. Why? I need hatred friends so that I know how my hearted friends hearts me. Do you agree with this my very hearted friends? High5**


This is very nice, awesome, fabulous, marvelous, fantastic. This is meaningful and touching. Watch to know about it. Trust me.

Rate : 9 / 10

I found a job. Okay, not considered as found, i get myself a job. Where else other than Padini? Haha. Yes, I'll be working there from January. So, I left about a week plus to enjoy and play as much as I can. And, my dad bought himself a motorbike. Instead of driving car to work, he is going with motorbike so that I can drive his car to work. So Nice.. Touch T_T... So, I'll be very very hardworking. Kononnya. I want to save money, I want to go vacation with my very own money, I want to buy everything I want with the moneyssssss I earned!!

Actually Pei Zhen and I planned to go education fair at midvalley today, but something come up so I ffk-ed her. Hahaha. Not considered as ffk la, I got tell her I cannot go already before that. One of my friend Kim asked Ching Nie and I for help at HICT college due to the 'Forget Not Christmas" event. That event was successful (Congratulationss), although I went back halfway due to transportation problem. >.<


I don't know what happened, but I don't get it why it is happening in this way.

We are working it out but you are not cooperating. FINE, we will try. At least we tried. And we are trying.
But now you are working it alone without our notice and creating lies to us. What is this? I don't get it. Even you know it is working and yet you never let us know until the product were out. And, for those who know it is on and yet working hard for not letting us to know about it, Im glad you had lied to us so that we knew what is 'us' inside you. Okay? What should I say anymore other than THANKS, a big round of applause

I don't understand why is the world got such people. I think we were too naive, thinking that we are still a nation or what. Now only I realize we are not. Hahaha... I think the 1 and 1/2 years are so so not enough for us. Right? Is this thought running inside your mind now for those who are reading? Don't worry, Siapa makan Cili, dialah yang terasa Pedas.

And for those who want to let us know about this, you did it. But to let you disappointed, we are not that angry, we were just wondering how is this begin. Don't explain so much, because there will be a reason for you to go, but there will be thousands reason for not letting you go too.

Im not against anyone there, but if you think it is you im saying, then it is you. so sorry..............


1. Name→ Shen Chieh
2. Birthday→ 21 April
3. Who tagged you→ Xiiao Maii and Kiyoko
4. Name 5 of your best friends→
- Hong Guan
- Wei Kiat
-Yean Xin
- Pei Zhen
- Kar Yen

5. What do you want for your bday present→ everything that they present me
6. Happiest thing you have gone through recently→ Finishing STPM exam
7. Recent pressure→ Exam study
8. Ambition→ No Specific, time will prove
9. Do you have a lover→ Nope..
10. Will you look for your teachers during an alumni association→ Shouldn't be

11. Who makes you happy during an outing→ Friends
12. If 2 of your friends are arguing→ Find out what happened first. Then advise
13. Where do you want to go with your lover→ Anywhere
14. What do you want to do during Christmas→ Go have some drinks, should be
15. Who do you want to celebrate Christmas with→ My Best Friends

16. Do you have the excitement of waking up?→ Yes, Facebook
17. How many siblings do you have→ 2, Im the second XD
18. Which song u like the most (female)→ Love Story / Taylor Swift
19. Which song u like the most (male)→ 缺席 / 黃靖倫
20. What colour do you like→ Bright Colours

21. Will you flush before use the toilet→ If there is 'something' inside. Ewww
22. Do you love me→ Who is it? But I do Love my Friends and Family.  
23. Do you like male or female→ In which way?
24. Shout out loud→ HOORAY!! I finished my exam!! 1 and 1/2 years eh!!
25. Dare to go for a pee at midnight→ Yeah.

26. Will you take off ur pants when you're peeing?→ Sure, if im wearing one. Haha
27. Who are supposed to be whacked?→ Those who are supposed to be whacked
28. What are you crazy of recently→ Facebook..
29. How is your sleeping look→ Peace and Silent
30. What time is it→ 11.23am currently

31. Do you dislike the person who got you tagged→ Of course not
32. Your weight→ 55KG, I just measured yesterday
33. Weather→ Sunny Day~~
34. Are you pregnant→ I wont be pregnant
35. Add a colour into rainbow→ Pinky

36. Do you think friendship is true-hearted→ Yes, but some depends
37. Do you know spring→ Yes, its a season where we celebrate CNY.
38. Who do you like in TVXQ→ No specific.
39. List out 5 of your flaws→
✗Lazy boy
✗Don't reload always (I guess this is in)
✗Love sleeping
✗Don't stay home often
✗Don't drink so much water (This is unhealthy)

Additional questions :
40. List out 2 sentences you like→ What The / Im freaking Bored
41. What do you like to eat→ Chocolates..
42. You pray to god for→ My STPM results.. @@
43. Brands you prefer→ Any brands will do..

- Yean Xin
- Pei Zhen
- Bubbles
- Vanessa
- Adelyn
- Polly

Im back from Port Dickson. Huhu. I went there with my family this time. 4 of us excluded my brother because he got class. We went there for 3days. time pass by so fast, Im back home again. I don't know why, there is some problems with my computer, I cant copy the pictures from camera. Arghhh. Nevermind, I'll get it done soon. The first thing is to turn on my computer, I have to update myself about what happened when Im not around for 3days, mails are so much, and facebook notifications are hell lots.

On the last saturday, I went for my primary class gathering. Hahaha. Although not all of them came, but it is nice to see them. Some just came back for holidays from overseas, some from other else, some are studying, some are working. I havent got all the pictures yet from them. >.< And, thanks to Shi Wan for organizing this gathering. Very much thanks. I know she used a lot of time on planning this. Heehee.

Christmas coming, any plans?

Today is quite a tiring day. Due to my finished exam, I decided to sleep damn dman late yesterday, about 6 plus. I don't know about you, this is consider extremely late for me. Heehee.

Morning 10plus. Christine drive and fetch Me, Ching Nie and Daughter to Greenbox. She ponteng her work today What to do? We must relax and Sing out loud. STAR school science stream student had just finished their exam morning just now and they planned to go Greenbox with a whole bunch of schoolmates. We met them there. So many of them (about 5 rooms) compared to 4 of us. 

After that, we go meet with Yan Jin to go eat and her Sis comes along. We got no idea where to eat and her sis decided to go Che-Go. So, we follow her and she paid for the bill. Have to Thank her for the treat. Arigato. Btw, the food there are not bad but why there are so few customers always.

No no, the plans haven end yet. We watched Zombieland from 3.30pm. This show was almost 2hour. Seriously, this is most probably the funniest Zombie movie I ever watched. Hahaha. Go and watch now if you haven. But as usual, it is disgusting like the Ninja Assassin I watched yesterday. Eewwww.

Rate : 6 / 10

Storm Warrior, Im coming tonight!!

HOORAYYYY!!! I know im being too happy or crazy. This is because I had just finished my horrible and freaky almost-3-weeks STPM exam. I bet you know this kind of feeling, when finishes SPM that time.

Flashback, when exam is on the next day, you will feel like "I don't feel that I studied" although you've gone through more than enough. Because people say : The more you study, the more you forget, Right?.. And I don't know whether this is stress or not, I can't sleep at the day before the first exam start. How horrible it is. Im taking 4 subjects included ART. For the art subject, it is the first and last time im sitting for that paper because all of us who are taking art subject never sit for this paper before that.One word : Tough

I got so many things to do after this, plans will be planned and planned plans will be carry out right after this. Hahaha. Go to a place with beach with friends and family. Go have fun at Genting. Sleep anytime I want. Burn My Books. Celebrate this and that. Find for works (i got about 6 months of holidays). And Go Penang?
you know how great it is knowing yourself dont have to face books any more and really enjoy yourself in a holidaysssss. But FACEBOOK is still on. FACING BOOKS will be off..

More updates coming, 
Lastly, W-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E
its party time!



My photo
Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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