Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Went jj again with Christine today. She came over my house to fetch me, her class canceled today so she's free. We went and eat before that with JHuei & BChung. Guess what? We just love to sing and eventually we went Greenbox again. =D YXindaughter & PZhen joined us a bit later but BChung he went and watch mall cop so he's not with us in Greenbox.

K session until 6 then we went Dragon-i for a promotion named 'Soya Sauce Chicken[Just for Rm1]'. T&c apply: min of 3 person, only 1 per table, valid from 6-9pm and this promotion ends at 30th april. Afterall, this promotion is quite worth going. Too bad YXin can't eat chicken, so she have to watch only, but PZhen was keep on eating like 'omg-this-is-so-nice'. =)

Good news again, my mom was out from hospital! It has been 1 week plus since she stayed home. So glad//

x Signing off x [Tuesday, 28 April 2009]

Hang out with Christine[Smart tag] at starbucks jj, planned to go with her on tuesday but she got stuffs to do. Chit-chatting and online there. She found a part time job at Sinma, the person was like ok-you-can-start after a quick interview. Gratz. She say she's poor already, had to work on saturday and sunday. I spent my whole afternoon with her today. Its nice hangging out with old friends cause we got lotz to talk about, bla-bla-ing here and there. Hope you can save as you wished. =D

School day tomorrow. CiaoZ

x Signing off x [Monday, 27 April 2009]

I had my MUET exam today. Its quite difficult, I think I'm gonna retake this exam in the coming August. Twice in a year, they'll compare both of the results and consider my highest band for the cert. And and, my sister recover form her illness already, she's home today. =D

I went for this at night with HG, JH, WK, YX, PZ.
Its all about revenge and gun thingy and I got no comment on their shooting accuracy. So Chun.

I give 7/10

x Signing off x [Saturday, 25 April 2009]

I'm busy this week, I didn't go school for 4 days already.

From the very beginning, My mom and my sister ate something wrongly and my mom was admitted into hospital at first cause of dehydration. She went in arunamari, bayu there. We go visit her on Saturday[1st day] and she just keep vomiting, even drink also she vomited out right infront of me and she cant control at all, aiks. She's so tired whole day. If her blood percentage keep dropping, she have to go into ICU. I was thinking, ICU? So serious 1? Hope not. The next day on Sunday, she's quite OK already- Less vomit, able to eat a lil. Food Poisonous is Killing and better watch out what you are eating.

My sister stays at home and she's not well at all after my mom went in. So my dad have to take care of her till Tuesday, she's also vomiting the whole day. Until she's really so sick [Tuesday], my dad send her to hospital at night and the hospital which my mom staying were so full and she have to go Pantai. That time I'm having tuition so I don't know whats happening until I finished my tuition, my dad called me and tell me about this. Everything is fine after she went in. She's still a small girl, so my dad have to stay there to take care of her. My sister recover quite fast and I think she can come out tomorrow[Saturday]. Yay.

Back to my mom, she's so worried after she got to know my sister went into hospital and she cannot sleep at night. The next day[Wednesday], she ask to come out from hospital cause she's worried of my sis and doctor agreed but she have to go for a blood test on Thursday noon. On Wednesday night, I stay at home and take care of her before I go clinic [I'm not well too since Saturday]. My mom's face was like changed, her face become so fat and she were so blur when I ask her question. I was so freaked out by her breathing sound when she's sleeping. So loud, I never heard this from her before. On [Thursday], I switched my position with my dad, I take care of my sis and he send my mom for blood test. The doctor asked my dad to bring my mom for kidney wash. She must wash her kidney, those poisonous blood had accumulate her body and she Must wash immediately. Then, they went Sunway Medical Center for kidney washing. The doctor there is so busy and have to wait for quite long. Then, My mom went into ICU and started her kidney washing at about 8something night, it takes about 4hour+ to finish washing. See how serious it is when you get food poison.

Today, I went and visit my mom, there are rules going into ICU[Incentive Care Unit]. 1st, Visiting time on 11am-1pm and 5pm-8pm only. 2nd, 2 person per entry only. Its a small room for my mom, each patient in ICU will have a personal nurse so as my mom. Her condition are much better than yesterday. Glad.

They'll be alright very soon. =D

Thanks to my dad that is taking leave and running here and there these days, my aunty that came over to my house to help out for house chores, my bro who taken care of my sis for a day, my whole family, my friends who know and concerned about [HG, YXdaughter, VANgranddaughter, JH, PZ]. THANKS~

x Signing off x [Friday, 24 April 2009]

Recent happens will be updated shooooooo soon. Tired

.A last "Happy Birthday" to myself before it ends.

Hapi 19th Burfday

x Signing off x [21 April 2009]

Saturday Noon

I was absent to KK because my stomach is just not well, then at 10+ YXin Daughter came and fetch me to JJ for Greenbox [we-just-love-to-sing] with Vanessa Granddaughter, Adelyn and Michy Fern. Its nice, 1 thing not nice is greenbox always stop the singing period so on time, I'm expecting they would have gave us more time on that. XD
And I tell you. Please beware. Don't simply accept Celcom free gift [a-sim-card] when you are at roadshow. They ask for your info and tend to change your current number with your info given without YOUR PERMISSION! YXin is gonna blow up the whole Celcom company soon. Right? They changed her line from DiGi to Celcom without her permission and its difficult to change it back too.

Saturday Night

Its an earlier birthday celebration for Hooi Ling and M3.
I have to thanks to YXin daughter and CSiew who planned this celebration.
I have to thanks to them who telling lie just because of a surprise for me.
I have to thanks to them who attended to the celebration.
I have to thanks to them who wished me and to those who gave me present.
THANKS! I'm really happy with That. ^^

We celebrated both of our birthday at Mandajirin, 17 of us there. I'm so glad they attended. But the foods and drinks there is not okay. But we had fun there too. While we're capturing pictures there, people around are staring at us like "this-is-a-restaurant-okay?". So funny. Thanks! again. Its just another unforgettable day.

My Current Classmate. Ain't they cute? =D

Hooi Ling n M3 / M3-YXin-CNie

3 Soo n M3 / BKau-M3-JYeng-PSiang-CHuey

Lastly.. THANKS again to ALL of you there. ^^

x Signing off x [Sunday, 19 April 2009]

I hope everything will be fine very soon,
Bad things, Go Away!
Don't ever come, I hate 'U'.

.May you by Our side, Bless Us.

x Signing off x [18 April 2009]

12.32am [19 April 2009]

Worried about Mom. She'll be alright soon.
Im happy for the celebration at Mandajirin today.
Thanks to all of You who attended and the Present. More Updates about this will be very soon.

Bloggin early morning..
Obviously Im absent to school.. :Again: I was absent yesterday due to transpotation problem, I missed my alarm clock today, I closed the ringing alarm clock and I could'nt wake up by 3hours sleep and my father did't wake me up instead. Ugrrhhh. Already had my breakfast and online now doing nothing other than scribiling here. [Playing restaurant city & pet also].


x Signing off x [Thursday, 16 April 2009]

I've found out 2 games from Playfish, Pet Society & Restaurant City. [Facebook]

I'm addicted to both of it.. Feeding here and there, Serving this and that. Hopefully these won't interfere my coming exams cause I'm playing on that non-stop.

MUET exam is on the next Saturday and I have to go through Reading,Writing, Speaking and Listening within 2 days. Pray Pray, hoping that I can get expected result and I don't have to retake the exam anymore. Mid term exam is on the coming month, have to burn midnight oil again. Now I have an art assignment to be done and to be passed up by September. Have to hurry up so that the assignment would be finished on time. I've just started the engine, long way to go.

HGuan is going Pulau Perhentian on the coming Sunday, I wanted to go but my dad just don't let. Sob, never mind lar. Hope he enjoy there and bring some souvenirs back for m3. Nyek nyek.

P. Perhentian Sea -I can only feel it through picha. =D
Beautiful right?

x Signing off x [Wednesday, 15 April 2009]

First of all, allow me to sing a song, actually its just lyrics..

Pretending im singing now lah.. Haha

Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to JHuei,
Happy Birthday to You!

Okay, it is his birthday today.. We 'Daughter, PZhen, KSiang & M3' went greenbox to celebrate his superb 19th birthday for him. Daughter and I tought they'll free a cake for birthday boy but there no free-ing of cake. too bad.

So, YXin and I went secret recipe and we bought 4 slices of cake [for few of us only].
We celebrated for him. Hope he's happy with that.. =D

We decorate this cake with some vege beside for the burfday boy..

I met Adelyn and her friend at Greenbox today
Also My Granddaughter, Vanessa and her Boyfriend at jj heading to cinema for F&F4.

Once again, Happy 19th birthday to you JHuei.

x Signing off x [Saturday, 11 April 2009]


I went Pc Fair with Daughter, PZhen, HGuan & JHuei.

Okay, HGuan fetch us there. We actually planned to go at 10am but end up going at 11+ due to something. Eventually, we went for breakfast at 11+ and we met HGuan's sister husband so all the dishes we ordered would be free punya and I have to thank him for treating us.

We started going at 12noon happily, but KL's road just make us so not into the mood to go. For KLCC, there are few roads that yu can see the sign separately and you dont know which one to follow. JHuei is leading the way but he might giving some wrong information sometimes. We saw a signbroad showing "KLCC" but he says "Not this one, there's another way to go there.". So, we listen to him, and he leads the road quite well. But roads at KL are really not farmiliar to us, so we went wrong somewhere and we saw a secondary school and houses instead of tall buildings. We're nervous but we found the road back to the city after sometime. Hahaha

We settle our car parking at 2.30pm?! It takes us damn long to find a carpark [KLCC's were full]. I dont know whether its just because of PC fair or its always like that. It is just so long.

Damn a lot of people on the first day. And all of the promoters are giving away the promotions paper like "Im not paying for this". You'll get plenty of colourful papers when you go PC fair. =D

I know its all words and you are getting a bit boring of reading it. So here are some pictures

All of Us at Pc fair

I got this from there. A recycle bag, small pillow & Tee.

And I bought a mouse also. 18bucks, it is cheap.

We left Pc fair without going KLCC at about 5.30 evening, cause we planned to eat at YEN, a steamboat buffet for 22bucks per person.
The business for this shop is soooooowwww good, while we're eating, there's so many people waiting outside to be seated. So, we eat slowlyyy, hahaha.
So full lah after that, our stomach is like bursting after we finish eating. Torturing ourself with eating so much. 4 of you, you guys remember the chicken rate thingy right? hahaha

Daughter and PZhen went back at 10something. So 3 of us headed to Pantai Hospital for a visit.
A baby boy was born by HGuan's eldest sister. Congratulations.. Both of them were safe =D

Im tired, I've been using my legs so long today for walking here and there.
But, Its darn happy with this outing.. xD

Facebook's Pet Society cant enter, maybe its because of my streamyx connection. ISH!
[this is nothing with the outing, xD]

YXin wrote this also on her blog with [click this] more pictures uploaded. =D

x Signing off x [Saturday, 11 April 2009]

I've been using my leg so long today for walking here and there

..To be continue..

x Signing off x [Friday, 10 April 2009]

I went to the new KFC outlet at sentosa with YXin, CNie, YFern, EBeng right after school and before my cocuciculum starts.. hmm, not bad.. =D

Cocuriculum starts near 3pm. teachers are just so slow..
For my opinion, we went there not for activities, we started laughing from the beginning till the end.
Making fun here and there, hahaha..
Long time didt laugh so hard already. My face is getting numb. Hahaha.

MUET[Malaysia University English Test] exam are coming very soon.. 25th APRIL 2009. About 2 weeks more. So near, i thought it will be on end of May or what. May God Bless Us, Amen.

Anyway, all of my classmates are taking pictures together tomorrow for school magazines thingy.
ps: Don't forget to put on make up arh. Hahaha

x Signing Off x [Wednesday, 8 April 2009]

My year 2009 15th week's outings plan. still planning lah.

Anyone wanted to go the Brand New KFC/Pizza's outlet? sentosa 1
Anyone wanted to go PC fair? 10.11.12/april
Anyone wanted to go Greenbox?
Anyone wanted to go Have A Drink?
Anyone wanted to Watch "Knowing"?

Some confessions:

They are here to make your life colourful,
They are here to make you smile,
They are here when you're sad,
They let you make fun of them,
They make fun of you either,
They can be a stone that blocks your pathway,
They can be your hand to help you out,
Sometimes they teach you lessons too,
I heart you, "My B Friends"..

You could win a tournament without any guide,
But you'll lose your future without friends.
x Signing off x [Sunday, 5 April 2009]

Tee-hee, my school tests over already,

I don't have to stay late to do revision,
Weekend's coming, so that I can get back my lovely sweet sleep again.. ^^

An accident happened today between my daughter, YXin and a Indian woman when we're heading to my house after school. [YXin, Vanessa, Adelyn, M3] we're going greenbox again after that. Hehe.
Just a small case accident, and the Indian woman just have to make the problem so BIG lah,
I don't understand, the woman jot down YXin's name, contact no. , IC no.. and the worse part House Address. Sweat.
With that house address, are she gonna go YXin's house and knock her house door and ask for compensation if she doesn't pay for the repair fees? Gosh

Okay, Come Back, ignore the sad case.
As mentioned, Greenbox again and this is the 2nd outing with GD Van and Ade. Hehe.
6 of us, 4 + HGuan & JHuei.

Ade - Van - YXin - M3

JHuei - Van - Ade - YXin - M3 - HGuan

And I have to make a thing clear, I'm just putting my RIGHT HAND on my leg there only in the 2nd picture,
Don't ever misunderstand what I'm doing there with my right hand.

I went for basketball at night,
have to do some exercise already, all my body systems will slow down if I don't do that.

x Signing off x [Friday, 3 April 2009]

"Im gonna quit my form6, its so horrible"

April Fool ! , and I know its kinda lame, so lame..
Just to entertain you lah.

I miss that time when Im small and still in primary school,
when its 1st April, everyone even myself will try making fun of friends
for dont know how many xx times..

Now ar, growing bigger and the wont like so eager to fool friends already.

But I manage to get some friend of mine fooled today, By M3. Nyahaha

Stressed? Smile lah!

: Happy April Fool Day :

x Signing off x [Wednesday, 1 April 2009]


My photo
Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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