Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Happy Halloween everyone. Well, I don't feeling spooky right now infront of my computer because Im facebook-ing and listening to some high songs here instead of watching ghost movies to feel the spookyness due to the coming halloween. I dont watch ghost movie alone  I wish I can get myself one spooky costumes and go to some halloween event. That would be exciting. Haha, but maybe sometimes later.

Btw, Im going Greenbox tomorrow with Daughter, PeiZhen and Jeff. At least Im going some place that is decorated with halloween stuffs to make myself to feel scary and spooky. Weeeeee

Happy Halloween
Eat, drink and be scary


Daughter's sister ms. Yin Xin had her 21st birthday celebration party at her house last saturday. I went with Pei Zhen, Hong Guan & Wei Kiat. She's officially 21years old. Congratulations to her. Hahaha. So, when will be mine? 2years more. [21 - 19 = 2] =)

Final Exams are so close. Less than 1 month. Omg, Nervous + Headache. Im always using computer, and my dad say : "When is your exam ah? You're like no need to study one horh? Everyday facing the computer." And then I was thinking : "Ya lor, mayb I can only really concentrate if I let my mom to keep the monitor cable during weekdays and give it back to me only on weekend"


YEs, another weekend

I went too much show a week. Almost once each day. I went Greenbox with Daughter, Granddaughter and Adelyn. At first, we are planning to go KL, then we changed yesterday to Pyramid, then yesterday night changed to KL also but with G that is KLG. But at least we came out. Haha. Singing time passby quite fast huh?..

After that, go walk while waiting for the show [Pandarom] to start showing. And Adelyn bought herself something too. Hahaha. There is a game machine that is quite exciting which you have to put tokenss inside, I don't know what it called but the others are shouting while playing that by pushing your enemy in order to survive. Cool.

Rate : 7 / 10

Its about Aliens and OuterSpaces. English movie is always the best choice. Because of the Sound Effects. you will surely got shocked with the help of sound effects. Don't you? And the character inside, it wont looks odd and fake. Because they looks real, imagine if HK are showing alien movies. Which one will you choose? (I don't choose HK one)

It is A Happy Day

WhiteOut yesterday with Daughter, Pei Zhen, Hong Guan.

Rate : 5 / 10

It is quite cold inside the cinema, firstly because of the air cond and secondly the scene inside. Every scene, I mean EVERY scene were taken in north pole. -55C. Damn cold. Pity them who are taking part in this movie. Some parts inside are disgusting. Ewww.

I went jogging with friends these 2 days, extremely tiring. Somemore I hadn't jog for decades already. But I wish I can maintain going every week. At least once a week is enough. XD

Holiday. Happy Deepavali to who are celebrating. Instead, we are having our own holidays too after the trials. Haha. But sometimes holidays are boring too. Why? Probably I got nothing to do at home other than sitting infront of my computer checking mails or blogging or facebook-ing or watch some dramas. Sometimes you might get bored of facing too much computer. Well, I get bored sometimes. Everybody are busy with thier work and studies, so we can gather only at every weekend. How good if all of them are having the same holidays as we do. Oh, that is impossible
Anyway, I think I might be very full later because im going for Cloudy show. I guess i'll be starving for the food inside, FOC.

once again, Happy Deepavali. yen-na-dah? XP


edits* 2.09am

Rate : 8 / 10

Everything about foods,
Pizzas, Hot dogs, Candy, Ice Creams, Fortune Cookies, Corns, any food you can imagine are falling down from the sky. Just order. One of the disaster is Spaghetti Twister. Imagine that, Haha @@

Let me explain with the So Long

Pei Zhen asked whether want to go eat sushi at tesco or not? got promotion. Then we [Daughter and Me] agreed and went there today. Why today? because today only she's coming back from kl and the last day for the promotion. we don't specificly choose today because of the last-day-promotion. Hehe. We reach there about 7.30, of course it is night time. First, we have to queue up, and the queue was like damn long. we queue up from the entrance of tesco up to 8.30. So long. Hong Guan came later, so nice he don't have to queue up for that long. Because of this promotion, we can stay inside the restaurant for only 1 hour. So long right? I don't know what happened to the sushi maker today, the sushis there got only a few choices, we can only see same sushis are going around. But this is promotion ma, so greedy ah? Haha. RM2 for one is cheap enough.

Suddenly, I thought of wearing lens, but Im afraid that I'll look weird with it and I don't even know how to put it on and how to kept it nicely. Someone?


YEs YEs, my Trial Exam had just ended .. Hoooooray.

General Paper   : Done
Business Paper  : Done
Economy Paper : Done

I can sleep earlier
I dont have to study till late
I dont have to memorize facts
but, all these can last for about 1 month only because the BIG one is coming.


Today is the last paper for the PMRs too. The time is not suitable, after they had finished thier last paper, the firework started. When we are having exam, you can hear "Boom.. Boom.. Boom......", is like the song Boom Boom Pow is playing. fireworks are booming here and there and all of us were shocked at first but get used to it after sometimes.
Anyway, Congratulations to the PMRs


Early morning, I went Greenbox with Daughter and Pei Zhen and then Wei Kiat joined after a while.
Sometimes, It is easy to plan something, but when it comes to who you wanted to ask, there will be some minor problems with it. Because things happened suddenly sometimes and you cant really able to decide on the spot whether you're going or not. If it is me, I'll make myself go if I promised you accept there are reasonable excuses. Im not against anyone But no lousy excuses. Due to Halloween, Greenbox is trying to make haunting scenery. Quite Nice lar. Hehe

After that, the climax art of the day, Farewell gathering for all of the upper6 students organized by lower6 students at Prescott Hotel. Okay, not to admit, they set it as Hi-Tea session because I thought it will be at night at the beginning. Almost everyone came except for a few. This is the first time they having a farewell in a hotel other than our school. Better right? And this is the most important part, we've took hundreds picture. HUNDREDS PICTURE WHEY. Imagine we have to keep smiling and smiling. But it is fun also to keep smiling like that. At least we got pictures to keep our memory fresh even if we might not see each other seldom later. So, the reason why we're taking picture is to keep a piece of the memories we've gone through. Isn't it? (I raise my hands). I guess we go there for taking pictures only. Before this, we were quite excited for this farewell, not about people making farewell for us but the attire we're going to wear. You know why? we don't have chances to wear formally like what they did in collegeous always. school uniforms are not formal to us So, we are excited. Hahaha. Im getting the pictures very soon. Cant wait for my friends to tag me on facebook!! Yeahehehe

Few of us that are taking business papers are having exam tomorrow. So, after those excitment, we have to start studying for tomorrow's paper. Good luck studying...


Just finished watching this competition. For me, this is the best ever singing competition I ever watched since the first season, it is even better than American Idol. Haha, this is what I think. The 5th season of this competition had just ended yesterday. All of them competed for half a year to get so far from so damn much people. There are really touching moments about some of thier backgrounds and the effort they had spent along all these and also thier story of how they get so far from the beginning. It was like rare stones that had been transformed into a beautiful diamonds. They are really qualified and deserved for all this. Billionsss Congratulation to them. Love them!

Champion : 孫自佑
1st Runner Up : 劉明湘
2nd Runner Up : 梁曉珺
3rd Runner Up : 徐詠琳
4th Runner Up : 李杰宇

These are video from the 2nd part of the final. Enjoy..

tHE Champion's.

tHE 1st Runner Up's

tHE 2nd Runner Up's

tHE 3rd Runner Up's

tHE 4th Runner Up's


Went through the speaking test just now..
It was like all these were combined - Nervous + Worried + Silence + Funny. Hahaha
The title given was Most effective way to save money on foodstuff.
All I can say is ------- Wheeewww, its over finally.

Anyway, will be having makro paper tomorrow, Good Luck Lah.


Kinda Nervous now.. Left about 8hours till my speaking test for MUET..
Im in a group with my Daughter, Chee How and Wen Eur. The problem is, I never communicate with Wen Eur once eventough she's my schoolmate. I guess i'll be extremely nervous before entering the room.
And because of this test, Microecon exam that supposed to be on tomorrow had been postponed to the coming tuesday. Ishhh.

Anyway, PMR will be starting today. All the best to all of them who are sitting for this Exam.


Okay, thats the wedding music above.
One of my friend harry sister married and I went for the Wedding Dinner yesterday night.
Venue: KEC, People: Many of Us. So many couples are getting married huh? All of the restaurants are fully booked.
1 thing, 1 of my friend he drinks a lot and his face was so red. Then, you know what? He VOMITTED when we're half way eating. He used his hand to cover up his mouth and I was like how-can-you-vomit-just-like-that face. After that, we handed him an ice cube container quickly so that he can you know.. vomit inside. Ewwww, so disgusting right. Hahaha.

Group Photo

the Girls Eva - Siew Wei - Peggy

My Brother - Jeffery - Bride's brother Harry

Hikio - Sky - Harry

Peggy and I

My Brother and I. Do we look alike?

She's trying to take the whole head of mine.

The Groom used this to take the Bride. XP

we are always wondering who's the first to marry
 among our friends.
..Btw, who's next?

Rate : 8 / 10

This is about murder cases after a tragic murder case happened accidentally.
Something similar to final destination.
You can see how things could change between sorority whenever something happened.
There is also part that I dont know maybe they did it purposely or did'nt is that there are no cutting of scene, 1 or 2 parts only lah..
And this is funny, some of the indian girls even shouting here and there inside the cinema whenever something pop up suddenly! Hahaha  Me? No, I did'nt shout but my eyes are half closed.
And, I went for this with Daughter, Pei Zhen & Hong Guan. XP

Click here for the awesome trailer.

Do you keep secrets?

Brush up! Just finish only a paper, 3 more to go. and it is going to be about a week later until the next paper. As usual, if exams are around, not only me but almost everyone of us will be cracking our head on how to answer the paper, and which one is coming out or 'any tips?'. Haha. There are about 40 + days till the real nightmare comes. Kind of freakyyy.

Let me share something here because this is inside me always, I guess this is happening to you too.

"Whenever Im studying, I want to go work and earn money for myself.
Whenever Im working, I wish that Im studying right now"

Isn't it? Lol

Btw, my speaking test for MUET exam is happening on the next thursday. So fast.
:"Erk Erm, Speaking Speaking, A very good morning to..": Hahaha. Making me nervous.

Lastly, wishing all of you Happy Mooncake Festival and a very good luck to all of us who are having our trial exams on.

Whatever happens, happens for a reason.
Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.


My photo
Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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